One of the big new additions to the Files app in iOS 13 is the ability to connect to a server via SMB. In the initial iOS 13 beta, attempting such a connection resulted in an error, but in iOS 13 beta 2, you can now successfully connect to a server wirelessly.

Having the ability to access my NAS via the Files app is a huge productivity improvement for iOS users. Not only can you access content on a server, but you can also store content there as well. In other words, my Synology NAS now works similarly to other providers in the Files app, except it’s hosted locally on my home network.

Below you can find screenshots of the new server option in the Files app. We’ll be back with much more coverage of iOS 13 beta 2 in the coming hours. For now, tell me what you think about SMB server connectivity in the Files app? Is it something you’ll use?