As the name suggests this separation from the institution is done without the consent and wish of the employees. So, the employees don’t have the backing of other jobs immediately. In that case, the separation pay can act as a bane for you.  Let’s dive into the numbers game of the pay that you will receive after the involuntary separation.

In the defense forces, all the people getting involuntary separation always get compensatory pay in proportion to their service. The payment depends on the rank of the officer. If you’re an officer of 6-rank E-3 grade, the rock-bottom pay that you’ll receive will be $ 16,580. And the payment will gradually increase depending on the rank. For 18 rank E-9 grade officers the payment is $ 132,257. 

Let me take you on a short trip covering the details of the pay that you’ll receive on involuntary separation.

What is involuntary separation?

This is the separation of a person from his duties in the military. The consent of the employees doesn’t matter. This separation releases and discharges a person from all kinds of active duties levied on him. But in cases where reenlistment is denied or a request is put on for extending active duty, in that case, separation pay backing is not awarded.

Reasons for giving involuntary separation pay

Sometimes the institution doesn’t support the idea of awarding separation. They know it is not easy to lead a life without financial backing. For such cases, the concept of separation pay in involuntary cases is propounded. You may wonder that on one hand they are terminating your duties and on the other hand they are paying you, what’s going on? So, there are numerous reasons for granting involuntary separation pay but the major reasons are enlisted underneath:

To provide a sense of financial security to their employees. To show that the military doesn’t leave the hands of their employees in the hard times. With the help of this pay they want to secure the future of their employees. It acts as a compensatory amount.

Deciding amount of separation pay

In the military, there can arise two instances of getting any kind of separation pay. either it can be a full-time payment or it can be a half time payment. In deciding the full-time lump sum payment, the basic factor is the years that you have served in the military. 

The half-time payments inculcate various factors in deciding the pay. The basic eligibility criteria for deciding the amount for involuntary separation pay is that one must serve the nation and military for a maximum amount of 20 years. And at least 6 years should have been completed by you then only you will get the involuntary separation pay.

Full-time separation pays

The people who want the benefit of full-time separation pay must fulfill some conditions. Some of these conditions are: the service that they delivered must be regarded as honorable. 

In addition to this when the separation time is there, they must qualify for the retention period. And also, they have to agree on the condition to serve the army for 3 years in the same unit even after the suspension of services if the situation arises. In these cases, only they will become eligible for separation pay.

Mid-way separation pays

This is similar to the full-time separation pay in all manners. The main point of difference between half-time separation pay is that it is not that strict comparatively.

Ways of calculating the separation pay

First of all, you must bear in mind that there can’t be a fixed amount for the pay. We can provide you with an approximate amount according to the rank but it fluctuates according to the service given by you. The veteran’s affairs department is the deciding authority of the separation pay for each officer. They in particular use a formula to find out your separation pay.

Follow this formula for finding out the separation pay: multiply the no. of years of duty by 10 % then multiply the figure received by 12. Multiply that amount by the basic average monthly salary received by you.

Simplifying it: {10 * no of years of service * 12 * monthly salary}


The involuntary separation pay always differs from individual to individual. We can’t determine a fixed amount of pay that an individual will get. This is because the salary and tenure of all individuals differ from each other. In that case, the separation pay can be extracted with the help of the formula. But the slab for awarding the separation pay ranges from $ 16,580 to $ 132,257.