San José Fire Boss Robert Sapien, Jr. said Friday that the video — evidently reposted to Instagram by the record San Jose Foos from another confidential record — incited an examination.

The subtitle peruses: “Just in San Jose do you see a stripper emerge from a fire engine.”

“The Division has become mindful of a disturbing video posted via online entertainment,” Sapien, Jr. said in an explanation.

“An examination has been started to decide realities encompassing the video.”

City chairman Sam Liccardo made it clear in a proclamation to the Los Angeles Times that he viewed the matter as unsatisfactory.

“Assuming that the examination infers that this video is essentially as terrible as it looks, then, at that point, heads should roll,” he said. “We can’t have a daily existence basic crisis salvage contraption consigned to a fraternity party transport, nor endure any direct that so disparages the chivalrous work of the remainder of our SJFD group,” Liccardo added.

Sapien, Jr. said in his proclamation that assuming the discoveries of the inward examination uncover unseemly way of behaving of any of the division’s individuals, “proper advances will be taken to address the matter.” He likewise noticed that the City of San José Set of principles strategy “directs the lead” everything being equal.

“All City of San José representatives are supposed to stick to the Set of rules Strategy they have consented to as a state of their work,” Sapien, Jr. said in the articulation.

The Pink Poodle couldn’t be quickly gone after remark.

— MSN (@MSN) October 8, 2022