The latest version of ABAP is called ABAP Objects and supports object-oriented programming. SAP will run applications written using ABAP/4, the earlier ABAP version, as well as applications using ABAP Objects. Without further adieu , lets dive into ABAP. Note, this tutorial will not go into extensive details on ABAP language constructs (which become very boring to read ) but quickly introduce key concepts to get you started so you can focus your attention on more important topics.

Data Types

Syntax to declare a variable in ABAP – Example: The following is a list of Data Types supported by ABAP Processing Data – Assigning Values – Arithmetic Operations

Control Statements

Following control statements can be used – – If … EndIf Loop – Case statement -While loop – Do loop

Logical Operator

A list of logical operators

GE or >= GT or > LE or <= LT or < EQ or = NE or <>

ABAP/4 Editor

Finally , here is where you will spent most of your time as a developer creating / modifying programs. Transaction SE38