I’ve been a gamer for about 25 years and haven’t looked back. Growing up I was always the first kid in my neighborhood to get the newest gaming system. Needless to say all the kids wanted to spend time at my house. When Metal Gear Solid came out on the original PlayStation, my friends and I didn’t leave my room until we had it beat. It took us about 2 to 3 days of almost continuous playing and when we finally beat it we just wanted more!

Favorite game: Right now I would have to say Grand Theft Auto V. Favorite game-based movie: Resident Evil Least favorite game-based movie: Max Payne, I think Mark Wahlberg is a great actor but that movie was bad. Guilty pleasure: Eating Sour Patch Kids and sniping people in GTA V. I’m also a sucker for any Mario Kart game. Favorite game genre: First Person Shooters Favorite food: Almost any kind of pizza. No pineapple on my pizza! Favorite animal: Would have to be my big lap dog of a labrador, Ellie Favorite music: Classic Rock like Led Zeppelin or Alman Brothers. I also listen to a lot of Howard Stern. I hope he renews his contract for another 5 years. BABABOOEY!