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We interviewed Gabby Beckford:

She covers youth travel, adventure, and is a positivity blogger.

What’s the last brand you worked for?

How did you get started with Delta?

What prompted you to work with Delta?

What motivated you to get started?

How have you grown your social media presence?

It’s incredibly rewarding to help send young people around the world who wouldn’t have financial access to go otherwise.

I’ve been a big fan of Delta for a long time because of their dedication to sustainability, aggressive measures to combat human trafficking and commitment to supplier diversity. My dad runs a small business too, so this means a lot to me.

  • Italy for Airbnb’s Italian SabbaticalEgypt for the World Youth Forum EgyptRussia as a Fulbright awardee.

What’s worked best, for you?

What are the biggest challenges you’ve faced?

What projects will you work on this year?

What are your dream brands to work with?

What does the future hold for you?

You can reach Gabby via email at [email protected] and find her on all social media at @Packslight

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Read Her Blog:

And she adds: I have a newsletter of 2000+ and a Facebook group of 600+ young people where I share them weekly. =>

She also has her monthly 365Membership where she coaches young people, parents, and educators alike in how to win funded travel opportunities.

David Adler is an entrepreneur and freelance blog post writer who enjoys writing about business, entrepreneurship, travel and the influencer marketing space.

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