Having set a very low Kickstarter goal of €10, they have currently received €155 towards (well, past) that goal.

Toby Mortaro: I can see from your Kickstarter page that this project has been a long time in the making. When did the story first start to take shape in your mind?

TM: The graphical approach has that old-school feel to it, was this a conscious decision?

TM: Could you tell us a little more about Rainbow Games? Is it just yourself or is there a team behind you?

TM: You describe the game as a ‘classic JRPG’ so does this mean there is a strong influence on battling and levelling up?

TM: What sort of games have influenced the design and development of Trabel?

TM: This may be jumping the gun a little, but have you had any thoughts on a sequel and where you could take the next chapter of Trabel?

TM: For anyone who’s not familiar with Kickstarter, would you describe it as a good way for budding entrepreneurs to get started on games development? How has your experience been?

With so many Kickstarter campaigns around these days, it can be hard to get noticed. Games with a unique art style or a retro feel are getting increasingly more popular, and Trabel should certainly please old-school fans of the RPG genre. 

If you’d like to donate to the campaign you can do so by clicking here, you can also see the trailer for Trabel and visit their Facebook page.

Interview with upcoming Kickstarter developers  Rainbow Games   trabel - 74Interview with upcoming Kickstarter developers  Rainbow Games   trabel - 31Interview with upcoming Kickstarter developers  Rainbow Games   trabel - 95Interview with upcoming Kickstarter developers  Rainbow Games   trabel - 43