Sporting a punk aesthetics and an old-school inspired art style, Desert Child looks like an interesting racing title full of action and fun. 

To get a better feel of what under the game’s hood, I sat with its developer, Oscar Brittain, to talk about the development cycle, the game’s quirks, and unique style. 

GameSkinny(GS): So what inspired the idea of Desert Child?

GS: Desert Child seems to be very punk inspired. Is that the main theme at hand?

GS: Are there any specific non-game inspirations for Desert Child? Films? Books? TV shows?

GS: What inspired you to be a game developer?

GS: How long have you been developing/conceptualizing this game?

GS: What other hobbies are you into? Do they help you with game development?  

GS: What games do you like to play when you have time?

GS: What has been the best feedback you’ve received about the game? 


GS: What aspects of indie game development people should be more aware of?

GS: Can you tell us about what kind of music we can expect from the game? 

The indie racer and punk-inspired Desert Child is set for release in Q4 2018. If you can’t wait you can check out the demo now to hold you over for now. 

Big thanks to Brittain for answering our questions about the game.