GameSkinny: What was it like transitioning from a big game company like Ubisoft, to creating your own with Codex Worlds?

GS: Can you describe some of the challenges smaller game studios face? How does Codex Worlds overcome them?

GS: Codex Worlds has a very talented roster. How did you all come together?

GS: As a huge RPG and dungeon-crawler fan, can you elaborate on what Battlecursed is bringing to the genre?

GS: With your first title about to launch, can you tell our readers about Infinium Strike.

GS: I know you guys got a chance showcase both titles at GDC 2016. How was that for you?

GS: You have a blog called Game Life Coach. What inspired you to start blogging?

GS: Last but not least I need your top 5 inspirational games of all time:

I would like to thank Dexter Chow for taking the time out of his busy schedule to talk with us here at Be sure to visit Codex Worlds for more information about Battlecursed and Infinium Strike. Also don’t forget to follow Dexter Chow on Twitter.