SwordandSorcery: How did you get into creating alcohol paraphernalia? 

SS: Why make it retro game themed?

Now that we’re older, it’s nice to take return visits down memory lane. Be a kid again. There’s a certain level of excitement that you can only attain as kids. It’s so strong it usually sticks with you your whole life. For us, and apparently many like us, it’s pointed at the original consoles we grew up on.

Except that now, we might not have time for a good ol’ living-room-sit-down game session. With the various responsibilites that come with being an adult, we figure if you’ve got time to sit down and have a drink, you’re pretty lucky, haha. The hope, and maybe even the reality, is that these products sort of combine the two. Feeling the sense of nostalgia in tandem with a “time-out” from adult responsibilities makes a really awesome experience. Like a metaphysical cocktail.

The Warp Shot Glass, designed to look like one of the pipes Mario travels through.

SS: What are the criteria for choosing what games to make items from?

SS: How easy was it to start up your business? 

 The Capper Gun Bottle Opener, based on the NES Light Gun accessory for Duck Hunt. 

SS: Do you have any plans to expand further, perhaps with another Kickstarter? If so, would you give us a small peek into your future plans? If not, why?

If the Kickstarter is successful, the Bartendo line of products should be shipping out to Kickstarter supporters in December 2015, in time for the holiday season. 

For more reading, check out the about page on their site, or their Facebook page.