Internet Archive, a group of volunteers aiming to preserve websites and services considered at risk of closure, has announced that it is beginning a partial backup copy of SoundCloud as of today …

SoundCloud hasn’t looked in the best of health lately, leading some to fear that the streaming music service might close, resulting in the loss of music not available elsewhere.

Tougher competition from Apple Music and Spotify has resulted in SoundCloud running low on cash. The company tried to sell itself earlier in the year after possible buyouts by Spotify and Google both fell through.

But the move by Internet Archive was prompted by SoundCloud’s announcement earlier this month that it was laying off 40% of its staff in a further effort to cut costs.

SoundCloud denied that the service at risk in a blog post on Friday.

But Internet Archive clearly believes better safe than sorry. It says that a full backup would be impractical, as well as risking copyright infringement, so it is focusing on the earliest files as this music is least likely to be available elsewhere. The team is soliciting donations to help fund the work.

As The Verge notes, the team has previously archived GeoCities, Google Video, Friendster, TwitPic, and Verizon Personal Web Space among other sites and services.

Photo: Ole Spata/dpa