Instacart customers may experiment with the demo orders feature before receiving any actual Instacart orders. These convenient mini orders allow you to practice the actual process of completing an order from start to finish without having to interact with consumers. You may have been through a trial batch with a demo order to observe how the Instacart shopper app displays the order, the items it wants you to answer (such as product quantities), and how to finalize the transaction. This is a learning source for attracting Instacart customers, not a total order! However, completing Instacart demo orders can help you understand how the software operates and how to handle different sorts of purchases.

Are Instacart Demo Bookings Actual Orders?

Demo orders were not the same as accurate Instacart orders. It’s just a set of demo orders. They do, though, appear to be in the same natural actual order. You won’t have to travel to the shop, bag groceries, or drive somewhere if you conduct an Instacart demo order instead of an expected Instacart delivery. People need a demo to get well versed with the product. That’s why Instacart provides this facility to the customers. But it does not establish the contract between the actual buyer and Instacart. That’s why it cannot be considered as existing Orders. 

What Makes the Demo Orders on Instacart Unique?

Instacart is not the only option left with customers to buy or use the demo orders for the same. They’re another excellent method for novice consumers to get a feel for how the app operates and what’s required of them when completing an order. Instacart introduced an optional training feature for its app. Demo orders have this functionality. It’s a tool to assist you as a new Instacart personal shopper. It’s a one-of-a-kind aspect of the new economy. Most side hustles, such as Lyft, UberEats, or DoorDash, require you to activate the “live” app and complete your first client run before learning how to use it.

Just use the Instacart app’s demo option to get over any first anxieties you might have.

How to do Demo Purchases on Instacart?

As Instacart works on both mobile apps and websites, here are the following steps that one may take to finish your Instacart demo order.

On the Dashboard, click “Demo orders” after you’ve opened the app. To practice, select from any of the alternatives. The accompanying GUI displays a customer’s information, the things that have been requested, and the distance between your office and the business.  Then, to begin your practice batch, select “accept” from the drop-down menu. You’ll notice the many sorts of food, their pricing, and their places in the shop. Apart from this, you will find additional choices on your screen that will allow you to provide updates on the items. If you didn’t locate the thing, for example, you can SMS the client, “Can’t find the item. ”You’ll also have to fill out some information about the item. Because the demo order is not in any actual order, you can fill it with whatever random information. You’re finished with your demo order once you’ve completed the steps above. You may do this, again and again, to prepare yourself for potential liabilities.

The Advantages of Demo Orders

Performing a trial run before performing the actual work might be beneficial in some cases. It offers you a relaxed mood and allows you to work stress-free. Demo sales are also intended to alleviate the stress associated with dealing with consumers. Instacart customers can utilize this option of demo orders to inspect the entire job before accepting any genuine orders.

These modest orders allow you to practice the whole filing of an order, from start to finish. The demo orders are not genuine but practice orders that appear the same as a current order. As a result, you’ll be well aware of all the information you’ll need to put in, such as the company’s weight.


Finally, this article explains what Instacart demo orders are and how to fill them out. It’s a good thing that Instacart gives customers some instruction on how to utilize the app. Nevertheless, getting out and shopping is the only natural way to learn. It’s common to be sluggish or make mistakes while starting a new job, so don’t worry: it will become easier!

So, complete some demo orders on Instacart to obtain a realistic picture of the merchandise you’re buying so you don’t have any issues later.

Would You Get Money for Instacart Demo Orders?

As these aren’t genuine orders, and you’re not buying items or performing deliveries, you won’t get compensated for Instacart demo orders. Demo orders also display you how much money you’ll make, but that’s just an instance; demo orders teach you how and where to utilize the software.