…The Dead Shall Rise

In 2009, DC released a mini-series featuring Green Lantern, the Green Lantern Corp. and the Justice League focusing on a corps of Black Lanterns.

They were resurrecting fallen members of the Green Lantern Corp and later members of the Justice League into a powerful force that could have potentially destroyed the universe.

This version of Blackest Night Martian Manhunter first appeared in the series when Flash and Hal Jordan went to check on the grave of Bruce Wayne.

A.K.A. J’onn J’onzz

This special version of Martian Manhunter first appeared in a Halloween time challenge last year. Unlike the Prime version of Martian Manhunter, this Blackest Night variation has a basic ability called Shifter, which cycles through several offensive buffs.

He also has a different 2nd level attack, Soul Survivor, which is a series of shape-shifting strikes. J’onn also has a strong starting health and a decent power rating. 

Shifting Into Shape

Earning Martian Manhunter means overcoming of a series of five challenges. Complete them all, and you can attempt a more challenging Expert version, then go for Nightmare level. You only have until Thursday, October 20th!

For each set of battles you win, you get a part of J’onn’s gear (Boots, Medallion, Ring, Emblem and Cape). Once you have won all five challenges, a Gold Level Martian Manhunter is added to your collection.

But, you don’t have to complete all of the battles to win a prize:

24 Fights Won - Free Bronze Booster Pack (worth 8,000 credits) 36 Fights Won - +15,000 Power Credits 48 Fights Won - Free Silver Booster Pack (worth 35,000 credits)

The Next Phase

The following are a few tips on what you’re in for, but feel free to try your own tactics:

Challenge 1: Bronze Characters Only - Use Nightwing or Luthor up front to deflect and drain and bronze Deathstroke for his special attacks. Challenge 2:  Cyborg Must Be On Your Team - The bronze and silver Cyborgs have weak 1st attacks, but silver Cyborg’s Power Fist is WHOMP. Challenge 3: Bronze or Silver Characters Only - This is similar to Challenge 1. Use Nightwing or Luthor to drain, and silver Bane has a great 2nd attack. Challenge 4: Sinestro Must Be On Your Team - All of the Sinestros’ ‘Death from Above’ attacks are pretty strong. If you have him, Gold Green Lantern Sinestro’s 2nd attack is quite potent. Challenge 5: Lex Luthor Must Be On Your Team - With Lex being a power-drainer, it’s best to back him up with a heavy hitter. Or, keep silver Lex in reserve to power up his bigger attacks.

Time Is Short

Unlike most Challenge Modes, which last about 3 weeks, this special holiday challenge ends on Thursday, Oct. 20th. So don’t wait too long, or this ghastly version of Martian Manhunter will phase out until next Halloween.

Any special tips you can give fellow Injustice players on how to beat the Challenge Mode? Let us know!