Marvel’s Inhumans TV show now has a synopsis, teasing the new adventures of The Royal Family on the upcoming ABC series. Inhumans is but one of several fresh Marvel Television projects in development right now; what with Runaways heading to Hulu, both Cloak & Dagger and the newly ordered-to-series New Warriors moving forward at Freeform, and both The Defenders miniseries and The Punisher TV show debuting on Netflix later this year.

Inhumans is perhaps Marvel TV’s biggest venture right now, ahead of the eight episode series premiering on ABC after the first two episodes are screened in IMAX theaters. With the Inhumans production ongoing in Hawaii, the abundance of Earth-based scenes glimpsed in leaked photos and videos from the show’s set have made some fans question what the story being told here is. Thanks to a new synopsis, it looks like almost the entire Inhumans series will be set in Hawaii.

SpoilerTV revealed the new synopsis for Inhumans and it noticeably has a lack of the Royal Family’s moon-based city of Attilan:

While there are many Inhumans comic book stories that have the Inhuman city based on Earth and the Inhumans roaming the planet, some fans were no doubt hoping that the TV show would explore beyond our big blue planet. However, given the restrictions that come with a television show budget (even one co-produced by IMAX), that was perhaps never likely with Inhumans.

After the Royal Family of Inhumans is splintered by a military coup, they barely escape to Hawaii where their surprising interactions with the lush world and humanity around them may prove to not only save them, but Earth itself.

The involvement of a military organization could be how Ellen Woglom’s mystery character gets involved in Inhumans, as she could possibly be the one to discover that Inhumans were residing on the moon. Since the synopsis makes it clear there is a distinct reason why they left, an attack on their city by the military may have caused them to flee, thus resulting in them largely being separated.

Their transport to Earth may be where Lockjaw comes into play, but it does not reveal why the Inhumans characters appear to be alone in all the set photos that have leaked, so far. If they are also without their powers as some have theorized, how they will save the day – and what threat will cause them to rise – is still unknown. Regardless, with the entire Royal Family stationed on Earth and causing mayhem in Hawaii, it will be odd for no Avengers or even S.H.I.E.L.D. to interfere at a certain point.

Inhumans screens in IMAX theaters for two weeks starting Friday, September 1, prior to its television debut on Tuesday, September 26 on ABC.

Source: SpoilerTV