Information vs Knowledge

What is Information?

Information is a set of data that is processed in a meaningful way according to the given requirement. It is processed, structured, or presented in a given context to make it meaningful and useful. Information assigns meaning and improves the reliability of the data. It helps to ensure undesirability and reduces uncertainty. Therefore, when the data is transformed into information, it never has any useless details. It includes data that possess context, relevance, and purpose. It also involves the manipulation of raw data which eventually becomes knowledge.

What is Knowledge?

Knowledge is a combination of information, experience, and insight that helps the individual or the organization. It is linked to doing and implies know-how and understanding. Knowledge is possessed by each individual and is an outcome of his or her experience. It also covers the norms to evaluates new inputs from his surroundings.

Information vs Knowledge – Key Differences

Here are important differences between Information and Knowledge.

Characteristics of Information

Here, are important characteristics of the Information:

The main characteristics of information are accuracy, completeness, relevance, and availability Information is said to be facts provided or learned about someone or something No defined connection between ideas Its availability to the right person at the right time Enhance learning

Characteristics of Knowledge

Here are an important characteristic of knowledge:

Knowledge is accurate as it conveys the true situation. It is available in time to make the most appropriate and correct decisions. It is portrayed in common, easy to understood formats. It provides all the necessary data. Meaningful and useful for the decision-making process. Involves communication and reception Information It reduces uncertainties and estimates to take action

Example of information

Look at the examples given for data:

4,8,12,16 Dog, cat, cow, cockatoo 161.2, 175.3, 166.4, 164.7, 169.3

Only when we assign a context or meaning that’s when the data become information. It all becomes meaningful when you are told:

4, 8, 12 and 16 are the first four answers in the 4 x table Dog, cat, cow is a list of household pets 165, 175.2, 186.3, 164.3, 169.3 are the height of 14-year old students.

Example of Knowledge

If you apply this information to gain further knowledge, we could say that:

4, 8, 16 and 24 are the first four answers in the 4 x table (because the 4 x table starts at three and goes up in threes the 5 x table must start at five and go up in fives) A tiger is not a household pet as it is not on the list, and it lives in the wild forest. The tallest student is 186.3cm.

DIKW (Data Information Knowledge Wisdom)

DIKW is the model used for discussion of data, information, knowledge, wisdom and their interrelationships. It represents structural or functional relationships between data, information, knowledge, and wisdom.
