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When we think about a social media influencer, we picture someone young. This is to be expected, since most of the influencers are young. However, there is a new wave of influencers who are 50, or older, who are beating all odds and rising to the top of the influencer game! 

Known as “granfluencers,” they are using their unique perspectives and experiences to thrive in the digital world!


13 of The Best Influencers Over 50 

#1 Erika Rischko (@erikarischko) 

Age: 83

Followers: 109k

Erika is a fitness junkie who loves dancing with her husband. Yes, you read that right! The majority of her feed consists of videos of her working out, and let me tell you, her workouts? They are NOT easy. 

Apart from that, she also posts videos of her dancing with her husband. She is truly an inspiration. So, if you need that motivation to hit the gym, just watch a few of her videos!

#2 Irvin Randle (@irvinrandle) 

Age: 61

A post shared by Erika Rischko (@erikarischko)

Followers: 711k

When he isn’t busy being a fashion icon on the internet, Irvin Randle works as an elementary school educator. He is a dapper gentleman with the most stylish outfits. And he slays in each one of them, which is what gave him the moniker of #MrStealYourGrandma. 

Tired of being the only Black male granfluencer getting attention, Irvin founded the Silver Fox Squad, a group of older male fashion influencers like him. 

#3 Charlotte Simpson (@travelingblackwidow) 

Age: 60+

A post shared by too grown. (@irvinrandle)

Followers: 22.2k

When her husband passed away after 31 years of marriage, Charlotte and her daughter took a mother-daughter trip to celebrate their first Christmas without him. There, Charlotte took inspiration from several solo travelers and began traveling on her own. 

She posts her travel adventures on Instagram, hoping to inspire more widows like her. Her mission is to help prevent women from underliving their lives through her upbeat travel thoughts. The world is your oyster, no matter how old you are!

#4 Helen Vanwinkle Honey (@baddiewinkle) 

Age: 94

A post shared by Charlotte Simpson | Boomer Travel | Content Creator (@travelingblackwidow)

Followers: 3.2M

Baddie Winkle is stylish, sassy, badass, and “has been stealing your man since 1928.” She is a rebel who doesn’t like playing by the rules and doesn’t really care what others have to say. 

Her closet is filled with the most eccentric outfits in the brightest of colors, and she carries each one of them very well! You can tell by her pictures that she is truly living her life to the fullest. She even has her own beauty collection at Sephora. 

#5 Pauline and Geoffrey Walker (@geoffreywalk) 

Age: 88 and 91

A post shared by Helen Vanwinkle Honey (@baddiewinkle)

Followers: 307k

Pauline and Geoffrey are a normal couple from a small village in Leicestershire and have been married for more than 70 years! The best part? They are still just as in love. 

They began their Instagram account as a way to keep in touch with the rest of their family. They post about their daily life with each other including the food they eat, the walks they take together, and their gardening videos. 

Geoffrey also posts videos of his wife with the hashtag #ILoveThatGirl. Getting a glimpse into their domestic life is honestly heartwarming.

#6 Grece Ghanem (@greceghanem) 

Age: 57

A post shared by Pauline & Geoffrey Walker (@geoffreywalk)

Followers: 965k

Known as the “ageless style icon,” Grece is a microbiologist turned personal trainer. On Instagram, though, she is a fashion influencer. She is feisty, fearless, and stylish. She is the embodiment of “fashion has no age” and looks good in absolutely everything she wears and her chopped gray bob rounds up her outfits perfectly!

She also doesn’t believe in the high fashion mantra of “never repeat outfits.” She repeats her outfits, and proudly. She even has pieces from her university days in the 80s!

#7 Joan MacDonald (@trainwithjoan) 

Age: 75

A post shared by Grece Ghanem (@greceghanem)

Followers: 1.7M

Joan is a fitness lover and the co-author of “Flex Your Age.” Five years ago, she had severe health issues and had trouble even going up and down the stairs. That’s when her daughter nudged her towards working out. And so began her transformation which massively improved her health!

Apart from her journey, she posts simple workout tips to motivate others like her to transform themselves. She wants to let people know that it is never too late to change your life! She also hosts fitness challenges with her daughter.

#8 Iris Apfel (@iris.apfel) 

Age: 101

A post shared by Joan MacDonald (@trainwithjoan)

Followers: 2.5M

At 101 years old, Iris is one of the oldest granfluencers. She used to own a textile mill and interior design company with her spouse and is one of the oldest fashion models in the world. Known as a vibrant fashion icon, she has eclectic taste and believes that more is better when it comes to dressing up. 

For her 100th birthday, H&M partnered with her and released a 20-piece collection designed by her! 

#9 Bon and Pon (@bonpon511) 

A post shared by Iris Apfel (@iris.apfel)

Followers: 849k

Bon and Pon are an adorable Japanese couple who have been married for 42 years. They show their love for each other by wearing coordinated matching outfits. They have a simple yet impeccable sense of style and look amazing side-by-side. We stan this elderly couple giving us a unique perspective on fashion!

#10 Dr. Lyn Slater PhD (@iconaccidental) 

Age: 69

A post shared by bon・pon (@bonpon511)

Followers: 757k

Lyn started her blog and Instagram page because she wanted a fashion blog that had an urban, intellectual, and creative aesthetic for women who lived “interesting but ordinary lives” in cities. Her chic and badass style combined with her signature gray bob make for some fantastic looks. 

Lyn’s garments showcase her personality. She is also an advocate of sustainable clothing brands. Now that’s what we call a true fashion icon! 

#11 Sarah Jane Adams (@saramaijewels) 

Age: 67

A post shared by Dr. Lyn Slater PhD (@iconaccidental)

Followers: 194k

Sarah is a rebel who doesn’t like putting herself into a box. She has a very unique and unconventional personal style which she showcases on her Instagram page. She dons a lot of streetwear, but never fails to turn heads.

Apart from being a model, she is also the author of “Life In a Box,” her unorthodox memoir, a jewelry maker, and an antiques dealer. She is a misfit, through and through, and would rather stand out than blend in. She is an inspiration for all the people that have never fit into society’s boxes. 

#12 Barbara Costello aka Babs (@brunchwithbabs) 

Age: 72

A post shared by Sarah Jane Adams🥀SJ🥀Saramai (@saramaijewels)

Followers: 2M

Babs has been lovingly dubbed the internet’s grandmother, and for good reason! She posts homemade family recipes, life hacks, words of wisdom, and positive messages. She is lovely and sweet and is the quintessential grandmother. 

Whether you need some quick recipes or a little pick-me-up to cheer you on a bad day, Babs has got you covered. 

#13 Bo Petterson (@dadadvicefrombo) 

Age: 55+

A post shared by Babs (@brunchwithbabs)

Followers: 926k

If Babs was the internet grandmother, Bo is the internet dad. He posts a lot of “dad advice” videos teaching things such as how to use a fuel stabilizer, how to prevent your pipes from freezing, how to fix a foggy headlight and so on. 

Basically, he teaches the things that a dad is supposed to teach, and his videos are geared towards people who don’t have dads. He also gives out encouragement and life tips. Bo always signs off his videos with “love, dad,” which is guaranteed to make you feel warm. 

#14 Lili Hayes (@lili_hayes) 

A post shared by Dad Advice From Bo (@dadadvicefrombo)

Followers: 797k

Lili is a mom and she is “always a little pissed.” She is Jewish and several of her videos have gone viral for the hilarious yet adorable way in which she mispronounces certain words in her thick accent. You might have come across this very famous video of hers where she keeps trying to say “pumpkin pie” and somehow always lands up on calling it a “pancake pie.”

If you want to spend some time doubled over in laughter, her profile is the place to go!

And that’s a wrap on 14 of the top influencers over 50. Take some inspiration from them and know that it is never too late to follow your dreams! Don’t forget to share this article to spread the message.

A post shared by Lili Hayes (@lili_hayes)

Karina Gandola was born and raised outside the city of Charleston, in the beautiful mountain state of West Virginia. Karina loves writing about the influencer marketing space and an area she is passionate about. She considers her faith and family to be most important to her. If she isn’t spending time with her friends and family, you can almost always find her around her sweet yellow Labrador retriever, Poshna.

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