The writers behind Avengers: Infinity War say that Avengers 4 is even bigger and better. The time has finally arrived for Infinity War to be released around the world. After years of build up and anticipation, fans now can see the biggest crossover Marvel’s ever attempted. Box office projections remain high, and Infinity War is living up to the hype by setting a new MCU record for opening night. This comes after record breaking pre-ticket sales, and maybe the craziest part to Infinity War is that it has a sequel coming out in a year.

Originally conceived and announced as Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 & Part 2, the stories have been split apart a bit more. The draw of Infinity War was the all of the MCU heroes assembling to take on Thanos, and that will largely carry over into the next film. Early reactions and reviews have been very positive for the team-up, with the film’s scope and action possibly the biggest ever seen in the franchise. But, apparently the best is yet to come.

THR spoke to Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely, the duo who wrote both Infinity War and Avengers 4, about the collaborative nature on the two films. But, when the conversation shifted to the pair’s futures (specifically within the MCU), they made a huge statement: Avengers 4 is going to be bigger and better than what they just put out:

Most people are still processing Infinity War or have yet to even see the movie yet, so this is quite a bold statement for the writers to make. Infinity War features 22 heroes in a battle against Thanos and the Black Order that splits up the narrative into a four-part puzzle. With some huge set pieces included in New York, Wakanda, and Titan, the cast and action alone is bigger than anything Marvel’s done. How the sequel could get any bigger is remains to be seen, but with a slew of additional characters set to be included, who knows what the next installment holds.

McFeely: If it is, we’re pretty happy with it. Because boy, Avengers 4, if anything, is better than what you just saw.

Markus: And bigger.

McFeely: We’re very pleased with how it’s shaping up. We started this new company. We would love to go back to Marvel at some point, if they’ll have us. But we have this weird, new job where we get to help out a lot of other projects and write our own. It’s really sort of a dream scenario. If it doesn’t kill us, we’d like to try it for awhile.

The difficulty here comes with knowing so little about Avengers 4. Filming is already done and the common theory is that the plot involves time travel in some way. Marvel’s yet to confirm anything about the movie other than its May 3, 2019 release date. Even the title still remains a mystery; something Kevin Feige thinks has backfired. Once marketing does begin for Avengers 4, it will be fascinating to see what types of details are revealed. If the secrecy is anywhere close to what they did with Infinity War, then it’ll be a very good indicator that several surprises are in store. Whether it is bigger or can be better remains to be seen, but the screenwriters should have a good idea as to what its going to be. Now lets just hope Avengers 4 can deliver as well.

MORE: Infinity War Directors Say Avengers 4 Will Be Longer

Source: THR

  • Avengers: Infinity War Release Date: 2018-04-27 Ant-Man 2 Release Date: 2018-07-06 captain marvel Release Date: 2019-03-08 The Avengers 4 Release Date: 2019-04-26 spider-man homecoming 2 Release Date: 2019-07-02