Avengers: Infinity War brings about the introduction of the team known as the Children of Thanos. This team of fierce aliens serve Thanos in this plan to collect all of the Infinity Stones for the Infinity Gauntlet. Although these characters debut in the latest movies, their existence in Marvel Comics dates back less than five years ago.

Formerly known as the Black Order (or the Cull Obsidian), the group possessed incredible powers that the Mad Titan often took full use of for his personal gain. Though the team originated with his reign, the group has been reorganized and reused by various other villains the universe. Interestingly enough, these are not the only powerful “Children of Thanos” in existence. Thanos has been the adoptive father to Gamora and the “claimed” grandfather of Nebula. In addition, he has familial ties to Thane, Ronan the Accuser and the Rot.

In this article, we plan to explore the various versions of the Children of Thanos that exist in the Marvel Comics. Not only will be cover the origins of the newly named alien super group but we will highlight some of his most powerful children and (fake) grandchildren over the years. Papa Thanos would be so proud (yeah, not really).

Here are the 18 Things About The Children Of Thanos Only True Marvel Fans Know.

The Black Order Debuted As Nameless Beings

Over the years, the Mad Titan Thanos has employed various schemes in his pursuit of becoming a more powerful being. Whether it was to impress his lady love or fulfill his own goals, Thanos did whatever he could to satisfy his desires. Along the way, he employed a ragtag group of various aliens to help him along the way. However, in their first appearance, these “worker bees” began their time in Marvel Comics as just nameless associates.

First appearing in New Avengers vol 3 issue #8, each creature appeared in solo panels on their way to take down various members of the Avengers under Thanos’ orders. They made their official named debut during the Infinity arc.

The team consisted of Corvus Glaive, Proxima Midnight, Ebony Maw, Black Dwarf, and Supergiant originally.

They appeared in Infinity issue #1 thanks to the creative minds of Jonathan Hickman, Jerome Opeña, and Jim Cheung.

  They Often Partnered with The Outriders

Never relying on just one means to achieve his goals, Thanos kept additional helpers to further his insidious plans. The Outriders made their first appearance in Free Comic Book Day Issue of Infinity vol 2013. Another creation of Hickman and Cheung, these humanoid creatures lived to serve the Mad Titan’s every wish.

They mainly work as surveyors, exploring new planets for Thanos to raze as he saw fit.

When the Outriders discovered a new world, they would report back to Corvus Glaive. With the rest of the Black Order in tow, the team would demand tribute from the inhabitants on behalf of Thanos. If they obeyed, no harm would come to their world. However, if any planet refused to “pay their due” to Thanos, the entire civilizations would be annihilated.

Corvus Glaive

Corvus Glaive terrorized the dwellers of the Marvell Universe long before his first appearance with his unnamed team. Back in the Free Comic Book Day issue in 2013, readers got their first glimpse at Thanos’ henchman. After his debut, more details were released to flesh out his powers and abilities fully. Though extremely powerful, his ruthlessness made him appealing to his boss.

As reported by CBR, Hickman stated, “Thanos’ most favored. Corvus is cruel, arrogant and the most loyal of the Black Order,” said Hickman. “A warrior who betrayed his people and sold his soul to Thanos to pursue a different kind of glory.”

He possessed great strength and near immortality, thanks to his weapon, a glaive.

Serving as both a strength and weakness, the moment the glaive is broken, Corvus Glaive becomes vulnerable and could be destroyed.

Black Dwarf

Corvus Glaive’s ties to the rest of the Black Order run deeper than merely his role as leader. He served Thanos alongside his brother, Black Dwarf. Unlike his sibling, Black Dwarf’s strengths did not reply on weaponry but merely his own strength.

Along with various superpowers, his body served as his most significant defense.

His skin proved to be strong enough to resist damage and could not be broken. He is often depicted with a two-bladed ax as a means to supplement his immense strength. Black Dwarf was dispatched to overthrow Wakanda in New Avengers issues #8 and #9. However, he met with too much resistance and was forced to retreat.

When he reported his failure to his master, he was expelled from the Black Order. When he was granted a second chance to redeem himself, he later lost his life during a fight with Ronan the Accuser.

 Proxima Midnight

Proxima Midnight, the wife of Corvus Glaive, serves as one of the most talented combatants in the Black Order. Though she did not have the strength of her brother-in-law, she was indeed capable of defeating her foes with a custom weapon gifted from Thanos himself.

According to Marvel Wikia, her spear “was created from a sun trapped in distorted space-time, acting and operating as a star, supernova, and black hole at once.”

The weapon did come with some limitations. Its effectiveness relied heavily on her ability to her mark. Once struck with the lance, it could capture the target with netting or even inject a lethal toxin into their body.

In her comic book debut, she was dispatched to take down Namor the Submariner in Atlantis and retrieve his Infinity Gem in New Avengers Vol 2 issue #8. However, she decided to destroy New York City on the way to her target for fun.

Ebony Maw

In any team, whether heroes or villains, there is always a member that exists as the “brains” of the operation. In the Cull Obsidian, Ebony Maw filled that position.

Known for being more of a thinker than a fighter, his genius-level intellect greatly benefited the team’s various ploys and scheming.

His extraordinary powers of manipulation and influence helped him to bend enemies to his well. During his mission to take down Doctor Strange, he managed to manipulate the hero and take control of his powers. He even turned him into a double agent, following his every move for the sole purpose of obtaining intel. However, his intellect is not his only power.

Ebony Maw possesses the ability to produce a forcefield and the technology to teleport at will.


Supergiant was found by Thanos in an orphanage for the mentally unstable, who was drawn to her because of her mind-control abilities. She seeks out and devours intellect with an almost parasite-like ferocity. Although she possessed incredible skills, her unstable mind made her a liability for the team.

During the events of  New Avengers vol 3 issue #9, she joined Corvus Glaive in his invasion of the Jean Grey School. During their attack, she managed to take control of Iceman and use him as a weapon until Rachel Grey intervened. Later, while assisting the Black Order in their siege of Wakanda, she took mental control of Black Bolt and forced him to activate several bombs the Illuminati had hidden. However, she met her end when faced with both Maximus and Lockjaw.

After Maximus triggered the explosives, Lockjaw transported the weapons and Supergiant to a remote planet to detonate.

The Failure of Thanos’ First Black Order Missions

With five powerful generals at his disposal and legions of additional followers, Thanos assembled a formidable army to take down the Avengers and their peers. Determined to collect the Infinity Gems, he dispatched the Black Order and an army of powerful creatures to seek out the gems.

As luck would have it, the team even managed to locate Thane, Thanos’ son, so that the Mad Titan could destroy him. However, we all know that the villains’ plans hardly ever succeed, right? That is just Superheroes 101.

Things go horribly wrong during their first official mission as a team. While in battle with the Avengers, both Black Dwarf and Supergiant are destroyed. To make matters worse, Ebony Maw turned on Thanos and freed Thane, giving his son the advantage. Thane then captured Thanos, Corvus Glaive,  and Proxima Midnight and encased them in prison made of amber.

Corvus Glaive Created His Own Black Order

Although Thanos’ first version of the Black Order failed, leader Corvus Glaive though it best to give the team another show. However, he did not do so under the orders of Thanos. He decided to organize a new team while Thanos was MIA.

In Thanos vol 2 issue #1, he organized an army of the most ruthless and dangerous criminals within the universe.

Taking a page from his former boss, he planned to create a powerful empire and rule as its king.

Quite ambitious, indeed. However, his plans came to a halt when the Mad Titan reappeared and challenged Corvus Glaive trying to rule in his absence. Sadly, Corvus Glaive’s Black Order quickly switched sides, pledging loyalty to Thanos instead. The two villains fought with Thanos easily overpowering Corvus Glaive. However, instead of being destroyed by his former leader, he chose to commit take his own life by his own glaive.

Thanos’ Second Team Was Tricked By Hela

After returning to reclaim his rightful place in the Black Order, Thanos set up continuing his plans for domination. Following Corvus Glaive’s failed strategy, he also reestablished a new Black Order. In his second iteration of the team, returning member Proxima Midnight was joined by Cabal member Black Swan. Their target: The Mjolnir of Earth-1610.

Tasked with the mission by a mysterious cloaked figure, the new Cull Obsidian targeted the ship of the Collector to retrieve the item. However, they were met by Thor and Beta Ray Bill and were quickly defeated. When they reported their failure to the cloaked person, she revealed herself to be Asgardian Death Goddess Hela. She then destroyed slaughtered Black Swan and Proxima Midnight.

The only thing promised to you as a member of the Black Order seems to be either imprisonment or a loss of life.

The Collector’s Black Order

Though the Black Order often found themselves defeated by their enemies, their noted reputations and fighting abilities had not gone unnoticed. During the No Surrender arc, the team was recruited to take part in the games between the Collector and the Grandmaster.

The new team included Corvus Glaive, Proxima Midnight, and Black Dwarf being resurrected. Alongside them were Black Swan and Ebony Maw. Although her body was not recovered after her death, Supergiant also joined the team in the form of a psychic projection.

They served as the representatives for the Collector and faced off against the Grandmaster’s team, the Lethal Legion.

Throughout the challenge, the Avengers continuously intervened to stop both teams from destroying the world. They were particularly invested after the Black Order tried to eliminate them all by destroying Avengers Mansion. In the end, the Avengers managed to beat both groups and end their challenge.

Changes to the Black Order for the MCU

With the introduction of the Black Order into the Marvel Cinematic Universe, several changes took place to both their individual characters and the team as a whole. The Black Order will now be known as the Children of Thanos in this universe, not to be confused with his own “offspring.”

Also, Black Dwarf has seemingly gone through a name change for the MCU. He will take on the moniker of Cull Obsidian, one of the nicknames for the team from the comic books.

Additionally, some of their powers and abilities have been altered and/or swapped around. The Children of Thanos will be played by Michael James Shaw as Corvus Glaive, Carrie Coon as Proxima Midnight, Terry Notary as Cull Obsidian (aka Black Dwarf), and Tom Vaughan-Lawlor as Ebony Maw. Their introduction to the MCU is in Avengers: Infinity War.

Supergiant Will Not Be Included

Although fans are excited about the first appearance of the Black Order, many do not understand why Supergiant will not be included.

As an original member of Thanos’ generals, her appearance would be expected in the film as well.

However, the Russo Brothers offered an explanation for her absence last year.

According to ComingSoon, co-director Joe Russo stated the following regarding Supergiant: “One of them wasn’t there! Again, we are dealing with so many characters that we made some choices along the way. Consolidation seemed like a smart thing to my brother and I because they were starting to overlap each other. And frankly, when you see the movie you’ll understand, it services the storytelling.”

Unfortunately, Supergiant may not ever make an appearance in the MCU.


The last of her species, Gamora was found and raised by Thanos for the purpose of being a living weapon for him. Though he showed her little affections growing up, she remained loyal to her adoptive father. With the promise of one day avenging the perpetrators that destroyed her people, she stayed at Thanos’ side and fought on his behalf on many occasions.

Though she continuously failed at her mission to eliminate Magus (Thanos’ intention for keeping her), he still kept her within his ranks.

She remained loyal to her father until she discovered he posed a dangerous threat to the entire universe. Finally, she turned on the Mad Titan and fought alongside the Guardians of the Galaxy and the Avengers to take him down. That’s family for you.


The space pirate Nebula did not have familial ties with Thanos so she decided to make them up. She decided to claim Thanos as her grandfather and used his name (and the fake relationship) to her advantage. He was allegedly dead so no harm, no foul, right? Unfortunately for her, the villain was very much alive and well.

When Thanos discovered her lies, he was none too pleased with her. Using the Infinity Gauntlet against her, he turned her into a zombie-like creature in order to please his lady love.

Although she managed to take the Gauntlet and momentarily wielded it, Thanos quickly gathered a group of heroes to take her down.

He employed the services of superheroes including Doctor Strange, the Hulk, Thor, Silver Surfer, Adam Warlock, Drax the Destroyer, Doctor Doom, and Firelord, they defeated the pirate and regained the weapon.


Thane spent the majority of his life not knowing who his birth father was.

First appearing in New Avengers vol 3 issue#10, he had spent his life known as The Healer on a hidden Inhuman planet. However, Thanos knew of his existence and sought out too destroy him just as he had destroyed his other children. During the quest of the Black Order to overthrown the Avengers, Ebony Maw discovered Thane’s location by using a manipulated Doctor Strange. After capturing him, however, Ebony Maw took advantage of the situation and influenced Thane instead.

Now with awakened powers of destruction, Thane questioned his existence and his role as a healer. When faced with Thanos, he managed to capture him and several members of the Black Order in amber, living in a perpetual state of stasis. He then left Earth with Ebony Maw still controlling him.

Ronan The Accuser

Deep within the Ultimate Universe, Ronan the Accuser carried a very special connection to Thanos: he was his son!

On Earth-1610, he was Accuser of Empire Endless Resurgence. His primary job was to prevent uprising and disturbances using his Ultimate Weapon to keep citizens at bay.

Despite Thanos being his father, Ronan stayed loyal to the laws of the land.

ComicVine pointed out that, “When Thanos had ordered him to eliminate all men older than 10 years, stopping the uprising on the planet Pyx, Ronan found an excuse to ignore instructions.” However, his time in his position came to an end thanks to the Fantastic Four. The team managed to turn the power of his Ultimate Weapon against him and disarming him with the Thing taking him down.

The Rot

Thanos’ infatuation with Death served as the basis for the Infinity Gauntlet arc. Ever trying to impress her, he went to several extreme means to win her affections. However, she never dropped her guard around him and maintained her distance from the villain. She eventually caved and became intimate with Thanos after he died during the Final Threat storyline.

Their union bore an offspring known as The Rot. Born with both abstract and eternal heritage, he has immense powers and abilities. He went unnoticed by his parents until his power grew so tremendously that Death found him to be a serious threat. She dispatched Thanos to destroy their child, which he happily agreed to do.

After first appearing in Avengers: Celestial Quest issue #2, he was destroyed by his father’s hands just a few issues later in issue #8.

Who’s the most interesting child of Thanos in your opinion? Let us know in the comments!