India And The National Language!

India is also known in the world due to various reasons. For example- Unity in Integrity, Guest Honor, Vasudev Kutum (which means the whole world is like a home. Recently, our country’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi has given this lesson to everyone during the Corona period.) My India is not only famous in the world for this reason but there are many other things about our India which are famous because of the underlined words. Apart from being a democratic country, the customs culture here, there is also the inclusion of different languages ​​and our Prime Ministers and all the players of our country whose contribution is invaluable, etc. There are many such reasons which make our country world-famous.

By the way, if I talk about the language of my country, then what can I say? As much as the culture and sect of India, there are as many languages here. It is said that only after the arrival of something new, only a fraction of the old remain, and I think this is also true to some extent. But it is also a specialty of our country that modernity has been handled in the lap of its cultural culture in this country. Means- we adopt every language and culture without sacrificing our old language.

Here we look at the languages ​​of both the times from the same point of view so that the coming generation sees today not only in a book but as a daily habit in our life.

We are talking about language, so let me tell you which language is in today’s India. The language spoken and written here is currently Hinglish. Yes, it sounds strange, but it is. Neither English nor Hindi. The magic of this language has been instilled in the soul and hands of today’s youth. But this language is used only informal way. Means to communicate with friends, but it does not exist and will not exist in formal handwriting and speech because! It does not come in the style of any language, but it can be used as a form of modern poetry and jokes or comic satire. 

Just like the Kabir Das done. That language is called the Khichari language because its a mixture of many languages, but it was also considered only as poetry or a way of communicating with society and not in the category of the national language. The state language of that time was Mughalia Hindi.

The matter of national language has come, so let me also tell you that today’s India does not have any national language. Yes! It would be strange to hear that a country does not have any national language. How is this possible? But don’t forget that this is India which is a unique country.

Nothing has been written about the national language in our country’s rules, and the rights book means constitution; what will be the national language of our nation? 

In the constitution, instead of the national language, importance has been given to 3 languages. (This value is given India’s different spoken languages and scripts.) The three languages ​​in the form of the script – Hindi, English, and Regional language are divided in which English is used for the formal work, Hindi is the mother tongue, and the Regional language is used for common speaking.

There are many Regional languages ​​in this country, some of which you will find mentioned in the constitution.

India is a unique country because India’s different cultures, ways of life, and language have proved those political experts’ theory is wrong about what is a nation? According to them, a nation is the people who speak a common language, meaning that country has a national language of its own. One culture, one tradition, and even one religion are recognized in the constitution, but India has none of these. Neither one language, culture, tradition, nor religion has been specifically shown in the constitution. 

So Is India Not A Nation?

Yes, India is still a nation. However, this diversity of India cuts the theory of political experts and tells that to be a nation; there should be one equality and one attitude, not one religion and language. 

Talking about the language itself, I remember a lesson in my S.O.L. Hindi book. Bhasha Bahata Neer, the author, is Kubernath Rai. He not only gave importance to Hindi and Sanskrit languages in that lesson but also told and warned us about language slavery.

He has said- First, the British ruled us and our country, but their language has caught us with the chains of slavery after their departure. He said that we are adopting the English language so much that the importance and existence of other languages ​​are becoming low in India.

He has also said that – If we want to avoid this, we have to open the windows of different languages ​​so that we understand the importance of another language and our culture and not enslave anyone. So I found this to be very true and important. 

Other writers like this tried to tell us what is the importance of us and our language? like- 

Mahadevi Varma has said in the chapter- samaj or vyakti that- the person will be, so will the society, and as the society will be, so will the person. Means it is in each other’s hands to change both. It means both the person and the society choose the language. 

In the chapter, Ram Vilas Sharma has shown how much Hindi is important the chapter– aadhunik Hindi Sahitya ki magnetic viraasat- how much Hindi is important? How Hindi developed in contacting and understanding each other. How much importance has been given to Hindi in the development of our country? 

If I talk about the national language, then I also find it a bit strange that we do not have any national language. We have given the Hindi language (the language from which we start speaking, which is related to the old culture of our country, which has contributed so much to India in every era). It seems to be the bad luck of India that we have our cultural language, which is spoken the most in India. However, we cannot give it the status of a national language because there are many languages ​​here. 


Now we have learnt “India And The National Language!”, But, when I think about this, it also seems right that everyone has to appear normal. By the way, Hindi is now growing very fast worldwide and is also being liked. So this development is very good. And the way to further increase the Hindi language in India has been made mandatory to teach the Hindi language throughout the country. Earlier, when only the Regional and English language was taught in school, now Hindi has also been made compulsory, and looking at this thing. So the diversity of India, I would say that not now but in the future, the Hindi language will be accepted as the mother tongue only. But it will be spoken and written as the national language.

Perhaps Hindi will get the importance and respect it deserves. One day Hindi will be our national language.