Disney provides many benefits and perks to their employees, thus motivating them to keep working hard, which is the basic ingredient to any company’s success. The employees, who are known as cast members at Disney, have various tasks, ranging from those at the theme parks, at the offices, etc., that accomplish the success of the company that we see today. 

Providing them with perks does the following:

Increase their morale. Breeds productivity. The attrition rate stays at bay. Attracts a wider pool of talent.  Saves the cost of hiring or rehiring.  

Perks enjoyed by Disney employees

Visit theme parks

Disney employees have the benefit that is only a dream to a lot of us; they have access to free passes for entrance into any Disney Parks in the world, which otherwise cost about 100 USD for one day only. This means they can go to Disneyland in Paris, or Anaheim to feel the magic, all at the expense of the company. They are also exempted from the blackout dates.

For Family and friends

The employees have the freedom to have 3 individuals tag along with them for free, although blackout dates do exist for friends and family. 


Employees enjoy a 35% discount in addition to free visits as well, these discounts apply to any entertainment site, resorts, events like Halloween and Christmas parties, etc. 

Health insurance

Health insurance is one of the key perks any employee would prefer to avail of, and Disney makes that happen for its cast members. The health insurance covers dental, surgeries, eye-related ailments for both the employee and their families, and more like:

10 days of sick leaves. Paternity leaves. A savings account where Disney deposits 500 USD every year dedicated to health.

Flexible Spending Account (FSA)

This type of savings account is also under the health benefits since employees do not have to pay any taxes on the amount in FSAs, dedicated to health savings. 

Retirement plans

Disney sees their employees from the very beginning of their career to the end of it. If an employee has served for at least one year, they are eligible to avail of the retirement plans.

401k plan

This refers to the fact that Disney will match the contributions made by the employee for up to 4%, based on salary. 

Stock options

The employees can buy stock of the company for their investment purposes, but it will not be counted as a definite obligation. 

Flexible work hours

This becomes a very important aspect to employees since their routine, may it be in personal matters or something else, may not always bundle up neatly with their work hours. Thus, Disney provides them with an option to schedule their hours as per convenience. They can also swap with their coworkers without having to go to the HR manager much often. 

Vacation/Days off

The company pays for 7 days you take off from work. Moreover, the employees have significant freedom over vacations. They can easily check on their online tool if the dates they want the vacation for are available and immediately apply for approval. The entire process is seamless and does not involve unnecessary bickering with the higher management. 


The company helps its employees with several career opportunities, especially in the context of education.

Disney Aspire

This platform set by Disney is for the employees to be able to pursue education in any field as they please. The company set up a fund of 50 million USD, which will be able to cover the education costs of about 80,000 employees. 


Disney reimburses their employees for the courses they take up to 700 USD, depending upon the credits. In addition, the expenses incurred for purchasing textbooks, etc. are also covered by the company. 


Employees are an integral part of building the company into what it is set out for, they are the key to achieving its goals and vision. Thus, the company must look after them in every possible way it can. Disney does a tremendous job at that, which is why it is a successful giant with a net worth of 1.995 billion USD. 

Does Disney have daycare?

The company established “mother rooms” for all purposes, including comfortable spaces created for breastfeeding, changing diapers, ease of warming up milk in microwaves, kitchen counters, and several other luxuries for infants such as a rocking chair, etc. 

What is the retention rate of employees at Disney?

According to a survey, about 62% of the employees are retained every year because of the culture, perks, and overall motivation. 72% have reported being excited about their job each day. 

Can employees go backstage?

Employees have access to all the backstage tours and firsthand experiences of all activities.