The world is ending, and humanity must look to other planets for continued survival. Enter Ellery Vas, a xenobiologist trying to find both signs of new life and her missing partner.

She’s sent to the oceanic Gliese 677C. As might be expected to cause a bit of drama, her diving suit has issues. On the plus side, you’re there to guide her through alien waters.

You see the world as an AI program would. Along the way, you — through Ellery, of course — uncover secrets in the waters, scan and examine the finds Ellery comes across on her journey, and even build a relationship between the AI and Ellery, assuming you keep her alive and healthy, that is.

Jump Over the Age is a one-person studio run by Gareth Damian Martin, part games journalist, part Ph.D in experimental literature, and now part game developer. In Other Waters already won the 2019 IndieCade Europe Jury Prix award and is set for release on Nintendo Switch and PC sometime in 2020.

Stay tuned to GameSkinny for more In Other Waters and indie game news as it floats our way.