Atharva chastens her for her unfeeling way of behaving. She begins crying. Atharva apologizes her holding his ears. Imlie says thanks to him for saving her on time. He says her talking style is unique. Imlie says her di/sister is unique. Atharva reviews that he came to meet Cheeni, taps Imlie’s shoulder, and requests that she stay there till he is back. She feels timid seeing him contacting her. Atharva calls Chini. Chini asks where is he, she is looking through him since long. Atharva says he needs tell her something and communicates his affection for her. Chini’s portable tumbles down, and she can’t pay attention to him. He portrays the amount he cherishes her and the amount he will really focus on her, and so forth. Chini at long last picks her portable and asks where is he, in the event that he can meet her at the present time. He feels blissful reasoning he paid attention to his proposition. She lifts her hand and requests to contact her on the off chance that she can see her hand.

Atharva surges towards Chini when he finds a young lady crying being isolated from her mom and looks for her mom. Young lady’s mom takes the young lady from him and leaves. Atharva loses Chini’s track. Chini looks for Atharva when Jatin holds her hand and says finally he saw as her. She inquires as to whether he is Jatin. He says OK and says their families are sitting tight for them. He gets some information about Imlie. Chini says she should be some place and will get back to family. Jatin holds her hand and strolls towards families. Once more, atharva and Imlie meet and quest for Chini. Imlie takes him to her family and illuminates that Atharva got his hand consumed while attempting to save her. Rupali inquires as to whether Chini wasn’t with her. Chini strolls in holding Jatin’s hand. Atharva stands stunned seeing that. Chini liberates her hand from Jatin and inquires as to whether she is fine. Imlie says she is and says even Chini should be fine in the wake of holding Jatin Jijaji/BIL’s hand. Atharva feels disheartend hearing that and thinks Rudra was correct that Chini doesn’t adore him and loves another person.

Akash tells Keya that Atharva will ruin their arrangement, she ought to have informed him when Atharva went to meet Chini. Keya says he didn’t illuminate her. Rudra hears them and asks whom did Atharva go to meet. Keya says Chini. Atharva taking a gander at Chini says he will leave now. Chini thinks why he looks hurt. Imlie requests that he deal with his hand consume. Atharva salute Jatin checking Chini out. Chini thinks for what reason is he acting like this, she couldn’t actually converse with him before everybody. Imlie remaining behind Chini thinks he is taking a gander at her and supplicates god to keep Atharva cheerful. Atharva with sorrowful eyes thinks his hookline Chini shouldn’t stress over him and be cheerful.

Rudra furiously accumulates family. Devika asks what happened now. Rudra says Atharva is wedding Imlie in a week and went to meet Chini. His brother Manish says Atharva crossed his cutoff points. Shivani asks how does Keya has at least some idea that Atharva went to meet Chini. Keya says she heard him addressing Chini. Manish incites Rudra against Atharva. Shivani says let us question Atharva when he returns. Atharva gets back.