Devika and Rudra talk about how kids grew up unexpectedly early. Rudra says he and his kids used to play cricket collectively, Atharva picked an alternate way, however Akash messed up and after they got him hitched to Keya, Akash turned out to be seriously plotting and voracious. He says Atharva will before long understand that Imlie is his first love as envisions Devika in Imlie who generally upheld him in his great and awful times. Devika inquires as to whether he is lauding her or his DIL, even she is certain that Imlie is the most ideal decision for Atharva. Rudra says Atharva is still behind Chini who is definitely not an ideal decision for himself and one day he will understand that.

Imlie assists Chini with choosing a dress and requests that seller show her red variety dresses. Seller says he believed its Imlie’s marriage. Imlie says who realizes there should be 2 wedding in same mandap and Chini get a fantasy life accomplice like Atharva. Chini calling her Mr Shutlik says its took a lot. Arpita illuminates Sundar that Narmada left for journey to ask god not to make any issue during Imlie’s bidayi. Sundar says Narmada needs to get freed off Imlie, however Imlie thinks about family’s joy and even now she is choosing a dress for Chini and not herself. He says he is concerned in the wake of hearing Rudra and expectations Chini doesn’t represent an issue for Imlie. Arpita says all children are not same, perhaps Chini will like Jatin and quit meddling in Imlie’s life.

Chini rejects Imlie’s chosen dresses and taking a gander at the jewelry says Arto’s decision is ideal. Imlie thinks she is discussing her and says let us actually take a look at gems now. Chini says Atharva’s gited jewelry is more lovely, perhaps Atharva gave that gift to her and not Imlie, then says she is kidding. Imlie figures she ought to say thanks to Atharva for his gift and messages him. Atharva thinks Chini informed him. Chini takes Imlie’s telephone and messages him to meet at 4 p.m. at Dussehra mela. Atharva gets cheerful and anxiously sits tight for 4 p.m. Keya hears him and supposes in the event that he meets Chini and clears the disarray, her arrangement will be fizzled. Atharva’s chacha and chachi select dresses to gift Imlie and talk about in the event that Atharva will truly wed Imlie or not. Atharva ventures out from home.

Rahtore family visit Dussehra mela to meet Jatin and his loved ones. Imlie holds Chini’s hand firmly seeing group and requests that Chini not leave her hand. Chini takes Imlie to a slow down and quietly escapes to meet Atharva. Imlie panics seeing herself alone. Sundar with Arpita and Rupali meet Jatin and his loved ones. Jatin contacts their feet as a regard and takes them to have tea. Keya races to Akash and says there is a big issue. Akash occupied over telephone breaking a weak agreement requests that she sit tight for at some point. Jatin’s mom tells Rupali that Jatin has fallen in Chini’s affection and requests that she call Chini. Arpita says Chini and Imlie are somewhere near. Imlie panics seeing group. Atharva comes to mela and looks for Chini. Chini finds her telephone signal off and climbs a seat. Atharva sees his hookline Chini and calls her.

— Bollywood Life (@bollywood_life) October 9, 2022

Jatin’s mom requests that Arpita call Chini and Imlie. Sundar says they should be in the middle of shopping at slows down, she want not stress as they will come soon. Jatin says mother will be stressed until they return, so he will proceed to bring them. Rupali questions that Chini probably abandoned Imlie in swarm. Panicked Imlie attempts to call Rupali and finds her telephone signal off. She sees a couple of children behaving recklessly wafers and sits under Ravan’s model.