Aryan says he came here to look for a statement of regret from a columnist, however she consumed conciliatory sentiment letter and subsequently he won’t return without expression of remorse letter. Malini requests that he pass on it to her, she will send legitimate notification to Imlie and cause her to experience for what seems like forever. Aryan says he gave her squarely in his business and not private life, so she ought to simply avoid it. Malini figures Aryan can’t conceal his reality with brilliant lines, she realizes she hasn’t arrived for a piece of paper however to assemble his messed up heart pieces.

Aryan feels a stinky smell from outside and leaves to see Imlie stepping cow compost cakes on the wall singing convivially in her standard style. He asks what’s going on with she. She says she is shooing off mosquitoes and undesirable individuals from here. Aryan says he is the proprietor of this news paper and won’t permit her to do this. Imlie says she has no work, so she adores making cow fertilizer cakes. Aryan gives her a lesser columnist’s task.

Another columnist says Imlie is takes care of numerous big stories and it doesn’t look great in the event that she does a little task. Aryan says he is the chief and its his request. Imlie says she will do anything that task is given to her. Malini thinks they are a particularly charming couple who are isolated even in the wake of being so close, she will ensure they don’t rejoin in the future and won’t let Cheeni, Meethi or Imlie’s Seeta maiya help them.

Meethi passes by news paper office to drop Cheeni to school holding Imlie’s arranged laddus. Cheeni demands to taste them immediately. Meethi says they will share it at home. Cheeni sees Aryan’s vehicle and surges in to share laddu with him. Malini sees her and asks what is she doing here. Cheeni inquires as to for what reason is she smelling like a cow compost. Malini says her town peopel’s demonstrations smell and not her. Cheeni cautions her to dare not discuss her residents or, in all likelihood she will squeeze her, then recalls Imlie’s structure to regard everybody and says Imlie trained her to regard everybody. She offers laddu to Malini saying Imlie set it up. Malini flies off the handle hearing Imlie’s name and tosses it in dustbin. Cheeni flies off the handle and insults that she is desolate and can never get a sidekick. Malini blows up and attempts to get her. Imlie takes off leaving Malini seething.

Cheeni meets Aryan and solicitations him to go with him to school. Aryan says he looks youthful yet currently studied in school. She says she has a discourse contest at school and she needs him toa go to it. He is sorry and says he has a significant work to wrap up. She offers him laddus. He chooses to drop her to school. Imlie arrives at school to cover the story and says thanks to Seeta maiya for giving her this task brilliantly. She knocks on 2 men and inquires as to whether they hurt.

They say no and rush in. Imlie feels an unusual smell. Cheeni with Aryan and Meethi arrives at there. Imlie asks what is Aryan doing there. Aryan says he brought Cheeni. Imlie takes Cheeni and says Cheeni is definitely not a 5-day-old youngster however 5 year old. Aryan and Imlie’s nok jhok begins. Cheeni signals Imlie to act with Aryan. Imlie goes about as acting great with Aryan. Aryan inquires as to whether she is fine or is in a shock. Imlie requests what kind from a shock. Aryan inquires as to whether she can’t bear her miserable life and is acting great with him trusting he would feel sorry for on her and facilitate her life. Imlie says he never helped her. Aryan says she didn’t, he is here on Cheeni’s greeting or, more than likely could never have come here. Imlie says they ought to endure each other for the good of Cheeni. Aryan says he became upset quite a while back and doesn’t have a lot of persistence left.

Educator calls all understudies to accompany her. Cheeni follows her. Meethi says she will disseminate laddus to everybody. Imlie says let the opposition finish. Meethi says she realizes Cheeni will win and offers laddu to Aryan. Imlie says she didn’t plan extra laddus to squander.

Aryan says as of now Cheeni gave him 1 laddu, picks one more and says she ought to add more pleasantness sometime later. Imlie leaves there scowling. She arrives at a store room and faculties a strange smell again from the containers stayed close.

The two men prevent her from checking the container and says it has desserts for kids. Imlie leaves. Men examine its great Imlie didn’t check the container as it contains multi week old lifeless laddus. Malini enters and hears their discussion. They get apprehensive seeing her. Malini says they need to accomplish some work for her. They ask what sort of work. Malini picks Imlie’s laddu box and figures she will begin her game with Imlie section 2 Cheeni.

Educator calls all understudies in front of an audience for the opposition. Imlie begins recording. Aryan stops her and requests that she sign another conciliatory sentiment letter and say she is regretful to every one of her slip-ups. Imlie says she is remorseful to every one of her missteps and Aryan is her biggest error. Aryan says Imlie does nothing without benefit, so he will offer her an arrangement to sign the letter and appreciate watching cheeni’s discourse in first line. Imlie composes on the letter. Aryan blows up seeing she won’t apologize composed.