Arpita with Sundar and Narmada goes along with them and says she generally believed that somebody should welcome them for supper. Neela requests that Aryan go along with them, and he concurs. Preeta requests that Malini ensure Aryan focuses on her. Malini feels bothered and asks her go, then says proceed to serve supper to Aryan. Aryan figures how might he eat when Cheeni is eager.

Imlie cries checking Cheeni’s pic out. Meethi attempts to comfort her and asks what did Aryan say. Imlie inquires as to for what reason is she stressed over Aryan more than Imlie. Overseer calls Imlie and illuminates that his group couldn’t track down Cheeni yet and it seems to be Cheeni herself headed off to some place and would bring herself back.

Imlie blows up on him and expresses she as a mother alone will look for her little girl. Assessor inquires as to whether she is so stressed over her little girl, for what reason did she let her go; Cheeni disappears frequently; presently Imlie herself ought to look for Cheeni and not upset police. Imlie indignantly tosses her telephone on bed.

Cheeni feels hungry. Preeta serves soup for Aryan. Aryan won’t eat with everybody and says he will have it in his room. He picks salad plate and seeing Jaggu having snacks figures Cheeni might like it and attempts to take his plate. Jaggu won’t share his plate. Arpita attempts to stop Aryan, however Aryan gets resolute. Arpita gives him mother plate of bites.

Aryan expresses gratitude toward her and leaves. Imlie chooses to go out looking for Cheeni. Meethi attempts to stop her. Imlie says Cheeni is separated from everyone else. Meethi says Cheeni isn’t the only one, then, at that point, says she feels Cheeni isn’t the only one. Imlie leaves. Meethi cries and figures how to tell Imlie that Cheeni is with Aryan.

Aryan re-visitations of his room and finds Cheeni missing. Cheeni wanders around the house hypnotized with its luxuriousness and looking for telephone to call Meethi. She tracks down telephone and calls Meethi. Meethi asks how is she at Aryan’s home. Imlie returns and grabs telephone from her. Cheeni gets apprehensive hearing Imlie’s voice and calls Imlie uproariously.

That’s what malini hears and inquires as to whether they heard Imlie’s name. Arpita says perhaps Aryan accepted Imlie’s name as Imlie is Aryan’s better half. Narmada says no one takes Imlie’s name with the exception of her and Arpita in this house. Malini gets dubious and look through all over. She finds landline beneficiary kept aside and says she detests Imlie deeply. Neela strolls to her and remarks.

Imlie hears their discussion and goes up against Malini assuming she realize that Cheeni is with Aryan and separates. Meethi attempts to comfort her. Imlie feels disheartened that Meethi believed Aryan and leaves for Delhi says assuming chheen is hurt, she will obliterate Aryan as well as entire Delhi. Aryan takes Cheeni to his room and asks her not to escape room clueless. Cheeni keeps on grinning. He requests that she quit acting adorable like Imlie.